The Cold…Stress…& Relaxing!


Cold + Your Fascia
As the temperature drops and the cold rolls in sometimes your body becomes a bit shocked. Especially, here in Wichita where one day is 65 and the next is 30. And, for some of us we "feel it in our bones". When weather changes to cold, cold, cold all sorts of happenings can occur in your body.
First off, fascia doesn't like cold weather...that is until you get moving. Moving around, specifically stretching and purposeful movements, allows the systems in your body to warm up, hydrate your fascia and get joint fluid moving.

  • Drinking water is key. Sometimes when you drink water you will have a noticeable difference in feeling looser. This is one way to hydrate your fascia.

  • Purposeful movement is key. Tuning into your mind-body awareness, noticing what areas you feel need to be moved and stretched. This always hydrates your fascia and lubricates your joints.

  • Receiving purposeful bodywork is key. Working with a skilled hands-on therapist helps your body shift, change and reorganize in ways it may not by working on yourself.

Self-treatment: Move Away from Stress & Relax
First off, remember to be gentle with yourself...mind, body and spirit!
Self-treatments are what you need to be doing in between hands-on sessions to continue the work that is happening on the table.
Receiving bodywork, especially styles that directly work with the central nervous system (for example, myofascial release therapy and craniosacral therapy), is a wonderful way to destress and relax your whole body.
So, if you are wondering what you can be doing to help yourself the following is a short list I have piled together during the past few years that I have been involved in myofascial release therapy.

  • Stretching

  • Small therapy ball

  • Occipivot (cradles the head)

  • Foam roller (used non-aggressively)

  • Yin yoga

  • Epsom and sea salt baths

  • Sound therapy

  • Exercising

In order for your fascia to begin to release you need to remember with stretching and any sort of tool you use to put pressure on your body you must hold for at least 5 minutes. So, start off slow and be gentle with yourself because as you sink into your body and gain awareness you will begin to open.


Got Inflammation???


STRESS…we all have it!