That Thing - Stress

Stress has been a hot topic in my office this past month - so what about stress?!?!!!! In times of stress, you might want to consider what is actually stressing you out. And how that stress, along with the attached emotions translate into your body…into your fascial system!

Holding tight in times of stress and maybe even noticing the tension becoming tighter because the stress is escalating can cause fascial restrictions. And no joke if you don’t deal with these restrictions, they can start to become a pattern, a habit, that’s hard to break. Maybe this has already happened to you and you’re not fully aware of what’s going on because it’s been happening for years...decades…

If you’re noticing tightness, tension, discomfort, pain because stress has crept into your body let go of your body - I mean literally let it go! Drop your shoulders, stop holding onto your neck, relax that lower back, give your hips a break! Let go. Soften. Maybe move your body, shaking out that unwanted tension. That built up tension has to go somewhere, shaking it out of your body helps so it doesn’t get stuck inside of you. If it feels good make a noise or scream out loud. Let those emotions out and let that stress flow out of you!

If you notice everything seems like it’s going in circles and not getting better BREATH. Take some deep breaths and again let yourself go, melt your body, let your body drop. What you look like doesn’t matter, the goal is to feel better.

Your awareness starts now.

You can let go now - even if just a little bit.


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