And Onward We Go…2022

Now that we are in the new year take a moment to check in with yourself…with your being.

Most of us might think about or even declare a resolution of some sort to change, but what about taking an honest assessment of where you are at this exact moment. Yes, I’m talking about literally right now in this very moment.

Where are you physically? Some place quiet? Or is it noisy? Coffee, tea or water? How is your body? Do you feel lots of energy? Or are you feeling tired? Do you feel at ease? What is surrounding you? Are you ready for a breakthrough? Do you feel grounded? Do you want to turn a corner?

I encourage you to close your eyes and take a deep breath. Where does your attention get drawn to? Somewhere inside your body or are you focused on some external energy? Keep your focus there for a little longer, maybe even a couple moments longer than you prefer. Lean into what you feel. Hear its message.

As you head into this year know you can continue with self-awareness and move forward with change you want to see and feel in yourself.


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