Self-Care Ritual(s)

Do you have any self-care rituals…???

I have found having a morning ritual, or routine as some call it, truly benefits the way I feel overall.  This time allows me to tune into my body -- noticing what I need to let go of, noticing where I'm holding tension, noticing places I have tightness that maybe I was completely unaware of.
Throughout the years my ritual of morning self-care has morphed and changed.  Changes seem to occur as I'm either in the process of letting go and creating more space within or "somehow" something has become bound up.
No matter where I am in my process, I always make sure to include at least one myofascial release technique.  Yup just one - how simple and easy!  And of course, I have days where I do 8 or 9 or 10 and maybe more MFR techniques to create space, freedom and simply feel better moving my body.


You Are Enough


Jaw + Emotions + Coffee