Foam Rolling

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Foam rollers come in different sizes and they also have different densities. I personally have and recommend a full length roller. The one I have is 36" in length and 6" round. I also recommend a medium density roller, anything harder may cause discomfort and potentially wont allow your body to sink into it.
Note: Pain sensitive areas do not like extreme pressure, it just causes more pain and can damage the tissues.
The following is some information that I hope you find helpful.

  • The idea of the roller is to soften into your tissue restrictions and tender points to allow for release.

  • When using a foam roller rolling back and forth/up and down on it actually compresses your free nerve endings which pass through your fascial system. This can cause more damage to what is already happening.

  • You must hold the roller in one place (3-5 minutes) in order for your tissue to soften.

  • Blasting or forcing anything into your system with motion can create more inflammation and pain. Going slow is for a purpose!

  • In certain positions with the roller you may be able to use your hand/arm to push it just slightly away from you which gives what you are doing more of a three dimensional affect.

  • Great creative and experiment...I promise no one is watching you!

Remember to go slow and allow you as a whole person to soften and sink into the roller and wait for your body to respond and open! If you'd like to learn more about foam rolling and/or check out one of my self-treatment myofascial release classes.


Why Release Fascia?


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