Fascial Truths
What I know to be true about fascia (because I've felt it in my bones):
It's all connected is a gross understatement.
The body remembers... everything.
The body, by way of the fascial system, is in direct communication with the Higher Self (you can call that energetic woo... or a lifeline).
Releasing fascial restrictions can most certainly eliminate/transform pain.
Pain is a result of fascial restrictions. But the power of the fascial system doesn't stop when the pain does.
The embodiment of fascial knowledge has a learning curve... patience matters, practice is key.
Life is complex, relying on the body's wisdom is sanity.
Our inner world and external world are in a dance. One leads while the other adjusts to its ever-changing environment ππ»πΊπ½
Fascial health is a must in this modern world.
The fascial system looooooooves sustained pressure and a meditative mind (simultaneously, of course).
Healing, self-discovery, and soul-growth are similar and deeply interwoven processes under different names.
The true essence of who you are is contained in the fascial web.
Finding your voice is a by-product of releasing pain and releasing fascia.
The pelvis is instrumental to alignment- physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Habits and patterns are meant to be recognized and shifted in order to evolve (singularly and fractally).
Myofascial self-care is a learnable skill worthy of your time.
Easing fascial tension in the body is THE BEST attitude adjustment (spend 10 minutes releasing your psoas and you'll be a believer!)
A fascial practice is best developed BEFORE crisis mode hits.
Intuition is enhanced with an open fascial system.
Fascial health isn't just about feeling good in your body, it's about being good at feeling.
Being able to release fascial restrictions is a SUPERPOWER.
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