Thoughts on Posture and Tension Holding
In the 21st century, body posture is a huge struggle!
Many of us have jobs keeping us seated for long hours or doing repetitive motions that tweak our bodies out of balance. Let's not forget our electronics, causing us to lean forward if we are not mindful of our posture.
I believe that the way we hold our body makes a statement about how we feel about ourselves. Stand or sit for a few moments and take some long deep cleansing breaths. Feel how you are holding yourself.
What do you notice?
Many of us slump forward, thrust our head past our shoulders, and later will feel tightness in our neck, upper back and lower back. These imbalances in posture create an opportunity to cause tension, tightness and pain. These uncomfortable sensations may also travel out into our limbs.
Do you want to feel better?
Through hands-on therapy, exercises and stretches we work on allowing our body to self-correct and move back into a state of balance. With continuous self-care, you will find moving with ease is not such a difficult task. During this exploration of your mind, body and spirit allow yourself to be guided in the direction you feel to go.
Are You Aware?
Take notice of areas in your body as you are getting out of bed in the morning and again during the lunch hour.
As you begin to notice the areas of discomfort, or if you already know where they are, take a moment during your day to stop and breath into the area(s) you feel tension or imbalance.
When you get home from your daily activities are you aware of any discomfort? Are you taking time to relax without distraction before you go to bed? Epsom salt baths at the end of the day are a great way to relax away tension and bring the body back into balance! You mind find you told tension in your neck, upper back, between your shoulder blades, and lower back. If we do not do anything to help decrease this tension or move through the discomfort, stiffness and chronic pain may occur over a period of time.
For further thought on posture and body language check this TED out…