Take a Break. Take a Restful Moment to Reset.

Do you ever find you have a day or many days that you are going, going, going? And then you realize you haven’t given yourself a chance to rest, to let your central nervous system calm down and simply breathe.

I’m sure everyone has these moments and days. I’ve even had a few of these days myself recently! I found that taking a step back and pulling out my myofascial ball, or foam roller, or lying on the floor, or even finding a position that simply feels good along with a good ten minutes of hanging out and breathing allows my entire being to reset. I swear this works even if you have to force yourself to calm down and rest!

Think about your best time of day to do this. Might it be in the morning, right before you go to sleep or at a random time during your day when you feel the stress building in your body. You may even consider trying this out more than once a day. My personal favorite times are right after I get out of bed and right before I get in bed. The time spent right before I go to sleep is usually ten minutes in one position, this really allows me to decompress from my day. During this time I love using my foam roller length wise along my spine, just hanging out opening up the front of my body and allowing my arms and legs to explore different positions that feel good!

What time do you give yourself to breathe and create openness in your body?

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Since it’s so warm these days, these is my space. You don’t need a big space, just a space that has enough room for you to do what feels good to rest and reset. Remember the more time you allow your body to decompress the better you will feel after!


Recovery Time


The Butterfly Story