Patience Is a Virtue
Do you remember growing up and your parents always told you to be patient? I know mine always did. Why is being patient so difficult, even in adulthood? I suppose living in a culture that is all about instant gratification doesn’t help any with being patient. I mean who even has time to be patient??!!
Now lets get away from society and all that instant gratification. Lets move inward for a moment. We must be patient with our bodies. Getting your body to open up and release takes time. It takes sustained pressure. And again time! You can’t force your body to open. You simply need to meet it where it is at and allow it to open. Wait that 5 minutes to create a fascial release.
Fascia is super tough and fibrous! Like a rubber band you can’t force it, and if you do it will snap back. Ouch!!! So lets practice a bit of patience. Get your small ball out, put it somewhere that feels good on your body. Set a timer for 5 minutes or listen to a song. Feel what happens in your body when you are patient with yourself.
Check out this video that shows live fascia. If anything check out the last 4 minutes.