Got Hips??? I Know You Do!!!
Posture is everything. Maybe I should say, posture is everything in my opinion. As I began writing this post I realized not only how far off my seated posture was I realized it was causing an uncomfortable sensation in my hips. A pulling sensation, which made me check-in with myself. How can I change what I am doing? And, what will help me not get into that position or anything similar while I'm sitting at the computer. Now that I'm out of that twisted seated stance I have decided to check-in with myself every few minutes so I can continue what I am doing with more ease and not cause unnecessary discomfort!!!
How easy is that??? Too easy. And it's so simple I dare you to give it a try. Take this simple two step process and apply it once in your day today.
1) Notice your posture is off. Notice how that makes you feel.
2) Correct your posture which will allow you to feel more comfortable not just physically but also emotionally. And decide how often you want to check in with yourself to make sure you don't do what you were just doing.
How Your Pelvis Can cause Whole Body Imbalance & What To Do
Your pelvis is center. The word pelvis originates from Latin and means basin.
If you can imagine a basin, a bowl of any sort, full of water on a flat ground you will notice there is nothing spilling from it. The bowl stays full, there is nothing disturbing any part of the physical "structure" of the bowl nor the liquid inside.
Now imagine this same basin full of water either on a sloping ground or being tipped by a human. The water begins to spill out. The entire basin is off kilter!!!
Now think about your pelvis in these same terms. Even pelvis no problems. Check your pelvis, your "hip bones" on the front of your body need to be pointing straight out. Like a deer in headlights. A titled or twisted pelvis there are probably some problems.
*****What to do about an imbalance in your pelvis*****
For starters you need to figure out what kind of imbalance you have.
-Is one hip higher than the other?
-Is your pelvis titling forwards or backwards?
-Is there any twisting going on? Is it on one side or both?
-What about the joints that keep your pelvis moving with ease? Are they loose or do they feel stick?
Once you know some answers and have a general or specific idea of what you need to work on that's a good starting place. The following are just a few strategies to help shift your pelvis and your entire body back into more of a natural position.
-If you have one hip higher than the other. Use a yoga block, or something similar, to set up onto with that hip that is shorter. Let your leg with the high hip dangle off the block. This will allow the shorter side to begin to open up.
-If your pelvis is titling forward. Lay on a flat surface and bend your knees. Do a few pelvic tucks and tilts. As you tuck your pelvis engage your core muscles. Usually with a forward pelvis our core needs to be reminded to engage.
-To get some mobilization in your SI joints, the joints that connect your sacrum to the rest of your pelvis, lay on your stomach with your knees bent and your upper body is in a comfortable position. Move your legs back and forth like windshield wipers. Now do this but one at a time. As you move your leg individually take the foot on the moving leg and slide it along the stationary leg.
-To speed up this process, receive bodywork!!! Getting work done that will shift and change the structure of your body is ideal. Myofascial release is my go to, to help with reorganizing the structure of the body. My body. Your body.
If you have any questions about your pelvis feel free to ask me.
I am always happy to help.