Are You Breathing Enough?


Breathe In
Focus on your breath for just a moment.
Take in a few cleansing breaths.
Now slowly breathe in and count to 4.
Pause your breathe for just a moment.
Then, slowly breathe out for a count of 4.
And, again pause your breathe for just a moment.
Lastly, repeat this breath cycle for a total of 5 times.
And, if you desire close your eyes while doing this exercise!

Breath is very important. Are you breathing enough deep breaths? Are they coming from your diaphragm versus your chest? Are you giving yourself enough time and space for your breath?
Breath can lead to deep relaxation and possibly free emotions. And, breathing in to areas of built up tension may lead to some needed momentary relief. Remember to breath often and breath deeply!
(Being mindful of your breath is just as important as drinking enough water or eating meals or getting a good nights sleep).

Breathe Out
Breathing out is when we can relax right?
And, we hopefully stay relaxed.

According to Dr. Herbert Benson, the man who coined the term "The Relaxation Response", we must be in a physical state of deep rest that changes our emotional and physical reactions to stress to be in a relaxed state. And, the best (and cheapest) way to reduce stress is through, yeah you guessed it, breathing.
There are tons of breathing techniques, such as the one described above, available to help us decrease our daily stressors. Doing a general Google search or getting help from a yoga teacher are great starting places if you are interested in learning more.
And, no watching T.V. or looking at your phone does not truly help with relaxation!

If you are interested in learning more about breathing techniques click here to check out what the American Institute of Stress has to say about breathing techniques.


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